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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

CURRENT AFFAIR: Pop Up Vintage Marketplace FALL 2014

As a vintage seller, I always wanted to go to the Current Affair pop-up show, but somehow I always missed it. Finally, I saw the email early on and bought my ticket for the Downtown LA market! I will say that although I sell vintage, I rarely wear vintage. I have one pair of vintage sandals and about 10 vintage leather belts. And this market is definitely all about clothes and fashion!!

I will say that while there were great choices and every booth designed their space beautifully. I did have a chance to wear my vintage German hunting pin at the event.

There wasn't a lot of room to walk around and the main issue for people was the lack or seating areas and the dressing rooms were in certain locations, so vintage sellers had to trust that people trying on clothes would come back. I didn't even have time to take photos because there would have been too many people in my shots. But here's the last one I took:

 I'm also not sure I'd go again. The prices were way too expensive for me! A $500 vintage dress and $200 used boots aren't my taste. But I'm sure that the vendors sold a lot of one of a kind items that look great on their customers! 

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