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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Beach Waves Hair Tutorial

After I cut my hair, I wanted to try the wavy hair look. So I decided to loo online for tutorials and products. I tried the Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray, but it wasn't right for my hair, neither were the YouTube tutorials that mentioned using hair straighteners to make your hair wavy. So here is my tip for those with fair wavy/curly hair that is hard to tame!

After a shower or wetting your hair divide into pieces and roll. Then pin onto your head, bobby-pins and hair clips are just fine. Allow some time for your hair to air dry. After 20 minutes to 40 minutes remove the pins and begin to blow dry (without unrolling your hair).

Once dried, it'll look like the photo below. Then unroll your hair and if your hair is like mine, it'll look like my hair in the photo above this post! No hair products are needed, but be sure to have some free time and patience.

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