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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Self Care Update

I decided to treat myself and buy a teapot and flowering peach tea. I purchased these pieces from the Bamboo Tea House. I am working on my self care since I'd had a lot of stress an responsibilities put on me and I have no support system to lean on, so I am working on supporting myself and being okay with just depending on myself. Here are some great affirmations to help you on your own self care.

  •  I am never alone. The universe supports me and is with me at every step.
  • Nothing stands in the way of my self-love. I can choose self-love now.
  • I have my back.
  • I choose to forgive myself and others and to let go of the past.
  • I am gentle with myself and treat myself with kindness.
  • My self care is worth making time for.
  • I choose freedom over being a victim and to release all past pain and emotional baggage. 
  • I choose to let go of what I can’t control.
  • Financial success comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  • Today is my day. There is no person, thing, event or activity that can destroy this day for me.

1 comment:

  1. First, I am so happy I arrived at your blog today. That tea pot, with the flowering peach tea, oh swoon it is just amazing. Self care is so very important, and it is often overlooked. No matter how old we are, it is easy to forget ourselves sometimes. Good for you for remembering you! And now, I will remember you too. :) Praying for you, Claudia! :)))
